Organization’s Space

Mirror Workshop: The Leader’s Mirror

Self-awareness is a key leadership ingredient. The best leaders are the ones who know and lead themselves, so they can later lead others. We work on self-aware, open and humble leadership, with a sense of purpose and an impact on people.

⁣⁣The “Leader’s Workshop: The Leader’s Mirror” is based on the science of personality provided by Hogan Assessments.⁣

With dynamics and triggers, our facilitators guide leaders through their self-development path.

Participants achieve the following:

Understanding of own leadership style to transform it into a high-impact leadership based on results.

Making initiatives easier to develop based on self-awareness.

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Women Leaders Program

A journey to empower, connect, and develop women within the organization to achieve their next goals.
Our first stop is self-awareness. Hogan Assessment Systems results will allow these female passengers to work on the impact of their personality and skills they wish to develop.

Then, individual coaching sessions will follow in order to analyze and work on the challenges ahead in each woman’s careers.

The last top is related to group experience. We will meet to exchange ideas, share experiences, and provide specific tools: managing emotions, difficult conversations, self-confidence and safety.

Women Leaders Program. Women who inspire (us).

Program “The Leader’s Path: From Hard to Soft Skills”

We develop leaders’ superpowers, the skills needed by those who manage people and work teams.




Active listening

Emotional intelligence

“Soft” skills become “hard” skills when it comes to connecting with other people and building trust.

Safety Culture Program

How to prevent accidents based on the personality of your collaborators?

Safety is a priority for companies. Zero accident policy and taking care of operators is a matter of heated debate. What can you do as a member of Selection, Development, and Training?

You can start by scientifically measuring people’s safety-related behavior at work. Hogan Assessment Systems developed an assessment to predict safe behavior through 6 key components of safety-related behavior:

Based on the report, at Compass Latam we designed a safety-related behavior program that we apply in several companies of Latin America.

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Open and Action Space

Cultural transformation implies moving the organization from multiple positions.

We must:

Recognize the importance of alignment in the management team.

Strengthen the leaders’ role.

Transform teams as agents of cultural change.

Open Space is a work methodology that enables the creation of a shared schedule aimed at:

To be aware of and live the organization’s values.

Revise similarities.

Identify collective problems and joint solutions.

Understand each individual’s contribution and the role in the changing process.

Reflect on beliefs and results.

Commit to the cascading development of the agreements reached.

It is a highly memorable experience: Our bodies and minds are activated.

Collaborative methodology: It opens conversation, breaks down walls, gives priority to transversality.

Recreational and emotional activities.

Innovative and open experience which, at the same time, has a high degree of prior planning.

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